What is a usual release strategy for Hollywood big-budget films? Hollywood blockbusters are released in 800 - 4000 theatres at one time in North America And they usually invest the majority of their marketing and promotion during the build up to opening weekend which is a key part of their financial revenue for the release of their film. Extra note: The difference between a blockbusters distribution compared to an Indie film is that for Indi films, opening weekend is the smallest financial week as they don't invest a lot in advertising and rely on word-of-mouth. What are some examples of Indi films that did really well? JoJo Rabbit, The favorite, Darkest Hour, Wont You Be My Neighbor?, Call Me By Your Name and Moonlight. Why do smaller films like JoJo Rabbit, winning awards, create a problem for awards show ratings? Indie films are getting blamed for the decline of broadcast ratings for their academy awards because of their lack of official A...