War Of The Worlds


How is the War of the Worlds example of 1938 a good example of audiences relating to a media product? What was the context of this event? 

the wotw event which occurred in late 1928 is a good example of audiences relating to a media product as it clearly illustrates Stuart halls theory regarding the hypodermic needle as the portrayed messages result into an infusing of information into the audiences mind, which links to wotw as many listeners panicked at the news, believing it was a real event. The two step flow theory also shows how the radio podcast influenced listeners as they played the leader role throughout the podcast. Stuart Halls theory of a dominant reading conveys how the producer, or in this case the speaker, wanted listeners to react and respond to their message. However, an oppositional reading also comes through as some audiences familiar with the original novel would have understood the plot from the start and avoided panicking and chaos, which links to their overall amount of life experience and general knowledge in their culture in that specific time period.


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