

The chase

We called it the chase to keep it simple, but at the same time give effect to its content and film making through the simplicity. its bold, easy to understand but at the same time gives the main idea while still leaving suspense in the tone on what really happens, drawing our target audience towards it.

My target audience: Mature audiences who can handle suspense as well as visual blood shots

Genre conventions:

Character: We start off by filming our main character (cast as Chanileze) as we get a close up, held hand camera affect of her feet stumbling towards the bathroom. we do this as our first shot to build up tension. As the character soon looks at herself in the mirror, we see her injuries and blood over her body from what our protagonist has done to her. as we see the shot of her in the mirror, we can see her distressed, worn out and exhausted body, staring at her own figure letting our audience in on her feelings. Our Antagonist, who ideally we want to cast as a man to give that masculine strength danger affect to our film, will most likely be cast my a female role acting as a man.

Setting/Time: because this is our first ever film we are making, we have decided to keep things simple by filming during the day, however we will limit the amount of sunlight each shot gets to limit the sunlight in our shot. so we still get a suspenseful mood despite the time of day. we are filming in the bathroom because it has both a mirror, and shows the audience how she escaped and managed to find a place where she could hide and examine herself from the chase she just finished. When she is held hostage, we will be filming up by the container by a bunch of scattered things to add that extra sense of danger, eg, sharp plastic can hurt you. And for the chase we have chosen to film on flat concrete rather than a ridged hallway which would involve a lot of different camera angles and techniques, so we wanted to keep things simple for ourselves without adding extra complications.

Plot: The plot is based on our character who has survived being held hostage, when she then escapes and reflects back on her dramatic experiences through the use of quick flashbacks while she is looking into the mirror.

Props/costumes: the costumes we are using are all connected to the colour black, adding more suspense and danger to our film, and because we are not filming at night, we needed to make sure our costume theme still represents our genre of a thriller. WE are also using fake blood, and ropes that she is tied up in, symbolizing her own confusion as a character, and how she was metaphorically as well as physically tied into the situation.

Filming/editing: most of our camera shots are fast, impactful, ad full of action, building up to the main scenes in our film. we are using a lot of close ups giving our audience a claustrophobic feel in our scenes, limiting there visual capacity in our shots. We will mainly be using a hand held camera to keep it intentionally wobbly. our transitions will also be fast.

Sound: We are using a boom into our flashbacks and we will keep our soundtracks suspenseful. we also wat a suspenseful eerie tone in our film.


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