
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Treatment Prepared by (DTM productions-this page produced by Mackenzie) Date: 23rd February 2022 Details: Our film will be 1 minute and 30 seconds, giving us to film the opening sequence of our thriller. We are filming on site for this one to keep it simple and the locations we have chosen are: Iconography: The main effects we will be using are fake blood, symbolizing danger, our lighting will mainly be natural. The rope used to tie our main characters hands symbolizes how she was tied into the situation and, her breaking free from it represents how she works her way out. We are using a female character to reinforce the 'damsel in distress' idea to keep our main character more vulnerable, especially when they look at themselves in the mirror sound effects: we are also using a microphone which we are attaching onto the camera to get the sound of our character running/walking. there will also be a lot of close ups and hand held shots to add to the suspense. The movies/films th


  Concept The chase We called it the chase to keep it simple, but at the same time give effect to its content and film making through the simplicity. its bold, easy to understand but at the same time gives the main idea while still leaving suspense in the tone on what really happens, drawing our target audience towards it. My target audience: Mature audiences who can handle suspense as well as visual blood shots Genre conventions: Character: We start off by filming our main character (cast as Chanileze) as we get a close up, held hand camera affect of her feet stumbling towards the bathroom. we do this as our first shot to build up tension. As the character soon looks at herself in the mirror, we see her injuries and blood over her body from what our protagonist has done to her. as we see the shot of her in the mirror, we can see her distressed, worn out and exhausted body, staring at her own figure letting our audience in on her feelings. Our Antagonist, who ideally we want to cast as

Stewart halls theory

Shot practice

                                                                                                 Photos  Pic one: Mid-Shot Picture Two: Close-Up Picture Three: Establishing shot  Shot Four: Extreme close up Shot Five: Over The Shoulder Shot Shot Six: Wide Shot Shot Seven: Two Shot Shot Eight: Low Angle Shot Shot Nine: High Angle Shot Shot 10: Extreme Wide Shot

My welcome post

  Hey, My name is Mackenzie and this is my media studies blog!