

Prepared by (DTM productions-this page produced by Mackenzie)

Date: 23rd February 2022


Our film will be 1 minute and 30 seconds, giving us to film the opening sequence of our thriller. We are filming on site for this one to keep it simple and the locations we have chosen are:

Iconography: The main effects we will be using are fake blood, symbolizing danger, our lighting will mainly be natural. The rope used to tie our main characters hands symbolizes how she was tied into the situation and, her breaking free from it represents how she works her way out. We are using a female character to reinforce the 'damsel in distress' idea to keep our main character more vulnerable, especially when they look at themselves in the mirror

sound effects: we are also using a microphone which we are attaching onto the camera to get the sound of our character running/walking. there will also be a lot of close ups and hand held shots to add to the suspense.

The movies/films that have influenced me are:

  • The short sherlock clip: 
  • The Bourne identity: all of the fast, quick, camera shots in the action scenes, have influenced us to do a similar thing with our fil by using close ups on the characters as well as using a hand held camera for certain shots.


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