
Showing posts from September, 2022

Foundation Portfolio - CCR Questions

  Foundation Portflio by Mackenzie Craig Foundation by Mackenzie Craig question one by Mackenzie Craig

Foundation Portfolio (Final Edit) - Swing


Notes on the videos-What are the key ingredients in creating a suspense film?

Video 1 was unavailable  Video two:  From this video we can see three films building up in suspense. The three films were jaws, the colour purple and Munich. From these clips we can see one of the main ingredients are by using close ups to limit the audiences view therefore creating a claustrophobic feel and only giving a limit amount of information and codes in each shot. Another key ingredient to help build suspense is the use of music in each scene. For a suspenful sen, the music used can add so much suspense  Video three:


What is a usual release strategy for Hollywood big-budget films?  Hollywood blockbusters are released in 800 - 4000 theatres at one time in North America And they usually invest the majority of their marketing and promotion during the build up to opening weekend which is a key part of their financial revenue for the release of their film.  Extra note: The difference between a blockbusters distribution compared to an Indie film is that for Indi films, opening weekend is the smallest financial week as they don't invest a lot in advertising and rely on word-of-mouth. What are some examples of Indi films that did really well? JoJo Rabbit, The favorite, Darkest Hour, Wont You Be My Neighbor?, Call Me By Your Name and Moonlight.  Why do smaller films like JoJo Rabbit, winning awards, create a problem for awards show ratings?  Indie films are getting blamed for the decline of broadcast ratings for their academy awards because of their lack of official A...

War Of The Worlds

  How is the War of the Worlds example of 1938 a good example of audiences relating to a media product? What was the context of this event?  the wotw event which occurred in late 1928 is a good example of audiences relating to a media product as it clearly illustrates Stuart halls theory regarding the hypodermic needle as the portrayed messages result into an infusing of information into the audiences mind, which links to wotw as many listeners panicked at the news, believing it was a real event. The two step flow theory also shows how the radio podcast influenced listeners as they played the leader role throughout the podcast. Stuart Halls theory of a dominant reading conveys how the producer, or in this case the speaker, wanted listeners to react and respond to their message. However, an oppositional reading also comes through as some audiences familiar with the original novel would have understood the plot from the start and avoided panicking and chaos, which links to their...

Audience Research

Global stats: Total population in 2019: 7.676 (billion) Mobile users: 5.112 Internet users: 4.388 Active social media users: 3.484 Mobile social media users: 3.256  Males have higher stats of active media use New Zealand stats: Total population: 4.77 Mobile subscriptions: 6.35 Internet users:4.22 Active social media users: 3.40 Mobile social media users: 3.10 Questions: 1) 7.676 billion people worldwide were connected to the internet in 2019 2) 3.484 billion people were active social media users 3) Facebook and youtube are the most used social media apps used globally

Media ownership: who is making what movies?-2017 and 2022

Top Grossing films Top grossing films 2017 Top grossing films 2022 Title Distributor Title Distributor Star wars - The last Jedi Disney Top Gun: Maverick Paramount Beauty and the beast Disney Dr strange: multiverse of madness Disney Wonder Women Warner Bros Jurassic world: Dominion Universal Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Disney The Batman Warner Bros Spider-Man: Homecoming Sony Minions: the rise of Gru Universal It Warner Bros Thor: Love and Thunder Disney Thor: Ragarnok Disney Spider-Man: No-way Home Sony Despicable me 3 Universal Sonic The hedgehog 2 Paramount Logan Century Fox Elvis Warner Bros Pie chart for the top ten grossing movies for 2017: Pie chart for the top ten grossing films for 2022: Conclusion: The end result of these comparisons over the last five years evidently conveys that the big five have dominated the film industry. These stats also show how Disney's competitors have leveled the playing field in 2022 compared to 2017 when Disney's films owned 44.4% of the...