
The storyline that takes place in this opening sequence, is based off of a dancer who is left "alone", well at least, that's the given message we try to get across to our audience as our establishing shot includes the last car leaving, with an empty car park remaining. We then get some more shots of the dark building that is all quiet, until e show a shot establishing there is one room with light, and that is the dance studio. We then show our dancer practicing her routine alone with classical music in the background, until we see a dark figure behind her on the other side of the glass windows watching her. Our dancer then feels the presence  of the stalker and turns around to see nothing, so only our audience is informed, building tension in our psychological thriller as our dancer is unaware of the stalker as she continues t dance, but because our audience has seen informed, it makes it more full of suspense. We get a theme of innocence as the dancer seems to be clueless, or at least, after she saw nothing. As she continues to turn around multiple times, once to a tap on the glass, she continues dancing, which links to the psychological aspect. However, the third time she turns around, the figure is right behind her.

Location shots:


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